Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Up date on My Kolter Man and the fam

It has been awhile since I have done a update here. Kolter goes in to see Dr. Schultz on Monday to see if his time in the brace will be reduced. I really hope that will happen, but it all depends on his feet. I think his little feet look great!! Its funny because my sister gave him the nick name: Little Foot. I love it, because it is so true. So once we hear what Dr. has to say, I will post. Some other news, Kolter now has his bottom two teeth!! I love it when he smiles and his little teeth play peek a boo:) I told Kameron to be careful because now it will hurt if Kolter bites him. Kolter has grown so much, it makes me sad. His baby days are flying away. His personality is very obvious. He is a very happy, chill baby. But when Kameron gets in his face, he puts his hands in fists and grunts. Kinda like the hulk. He must be catching on from watching Hulk with Kameron also continues to grow, and he learns something new everyday. He has been spending alot of time with the hubby this summer doing " man thing", camping, going to the river just to get dirty and play in what little sand you can find. we as a family go to the river alot as well. Kolter loves to put his feet in the water and kick away. I wish the summer would slow, just as it starts to get nice out, and we start doing things, Fall starts to show its colors...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Well I have started another blog. I will still keep this one. This one is more about my family, and Kolter's journey with club feet. But my new one is mainly just me and my thoughts so if you would like....come take a look and maybe you might just enjoy yourself...