My pregnancy with Kolter was a complicated one. It was always one thing after another. After going in for my regular blood work done. I received a call from my doctor saying they found a antibody in my blood. I asked he what that meant and she said its something in my body that attacked the placenta as well as my major organs... I almosted passed out. She kept talking and all I heard was mumbles. So the plan of action was to wait a month and draw blood again to see if it was still there. Aparently some peoples bodies create antibodies to fight off sickness, so that could be a possibility for me as well. The doctor told me not to worry. Right, thats easy for her to say. The month seemed like a year. But the second round of blood work came back and it was gone!! So thats great news. So we were happy again, no worries. I was eagerly awaiting my ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby. I prayed for a baby girl to dress up and do her hair and do all the mommy daughter things together. The day came, Derrick and I went in. I layed on the table, jelly on my belly and the technician scanned all around. She asked if we wanted to know the sex and of course we did!! She said its a BOY. I hate to admitt it, because it seems so silly and unimportant now but I got tears in my eyes. I was a little disapointed. Derrick wasnt because of course he wanted another boy. So the technician told us something else. She said it looked like he had club feet. Neither of us knew what that was. We were clueless. I went home and googled club feet. I figured out what they were and then looked at some pictures. My heart broke. I couldn't look anymore. I blamed myself. So I went in to the specialist to do another ultra sound to for sure confirm the club feet, which they did. They explained that with club feet babies can have different problems as well. So we did a Amniocentesis. We waited a couple weeks for the results, and they came back clear. So I was very grateful. We also met with a genetics counselor she said after his treatment he will be a normal boy that will run and play just like all the other kids. I broke down and she cried as well. I'm not sure if she knew it, but I wasn't crying because I was sad, I was crying because she had giving me a great peace with those words. As a parent all you want is for your children to be healthy. She was a great lady. So I read alot about the Ponseti casting method. It seemed the most common and effect way to treat club feet. So that's what I wanted done. So I enjoyed a couple more months and then was diagnosed with Gestational diabetes. So I had to poke myself several times a day and stick to a special diet..Yuck. My dad is a diabetic so I kinda knew how it all worked. I also now have a better understanding of what my dad goes through. But I know as hard as that pregnancy was, I am grateful as I know it could be alot worse
Not feeling well.
8 years ago
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